Operational Financial Management

Financial and Management Accounting Services for Individuals and all types of Small Businesses.
Financial and Management Accounting Services for Individualsand all types of Small Businesses 

From basic book keeping right through to strategic financialmanagement on a
fractional basis and at a fraction of the costof a full time equivalent 
" Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expediture twenty pounds ought and six, result misery!"
 Charles Dickens
 1812 - 1870
Cash Flow
In business, turnover is vanity and profit is sanity, but cash is king! Managing the business' cash flow is an essential activity and management requires measurement. At Imppec we are experts at measuring and forecasting cash flow and in advising the business as how to improve its forecast cash position. 
Credit Control
For many B2B businesses the provision of a line of credit to trade customers is a necessary evil. The provision of credit carries an inherent risk of late or non payment.  We can provide your business with a full credit management process which can include:
  • Credit vetting and setting of customer credit limits.
  • Customer order vetting to ensure that credit limits are observed and further credit is not advanced when the customer's account is already in default.
  • Timely follow up and collection of customer debts as they fall due for payment.
  • Formal, legal action to recover debt that is in default. 

Many businesses find it necessary to invest in stock or work-in-progress. Such an investment ties up valuable cash resources, but failing to invest adequately can have a serious detrimental effect on sales revenues. Imppec can provide your business with the policies and processes that optimise the investment in stock and ensure the best possible balance between optimal stock holding and the highest levels of customer service.  
Cost Control
There is an old adage that one should look after the pennies as the pounds will look after themselves. Over time all businesses find that there operating costs have become inflated to a greater or lesser degree. Our cost reduction programme involves a financial review of all of the business' costs and benchmarking these against those of other, similar  businesses. 
Management Reporting
Many businesses are data rich and information poor. To run a business effectively its management needs prompt, accurate financial information - and in a format  that's intelligible to non-financial managers. Imppec's periodic financial reports provide just this kind of financial information and highlight the key financial elements of the business.
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